Location Innovation Hub (EDIH)
The Location Innovation Hub (LIH) is a centre of excellence in location information coordinated by the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute. LIH services are produced in conjunction with a partner network.
How we operate?
Our customers are particularly companies that want to solve the challenges of digitalisation and strengthen their competitiveness. We also serve the public sector.
Our customers can make their operations more efficient by developing data interoperability, using precise positioning and new generation positioning technologies. We produce tools and test environments and provide consultation, and training, as well as provide support through networking for companies to obtain funding.
Our development work focuses on four different themes:
the built environment
health and wellbeing
transport, logistics and traffic.
In these sectors, our customers can develop businesses related to artificial intelligence, high performance computing and cybersecurity.
What is our goal?
In accordance with the European Data Strategy, interoperable information combined with location information is an indispensable resource for developing competitiveness and innovation capacity. Our activities are aimed at making efficient use of data spaces, for example on developing digital twins. Our goal is to create a functional, permanent location innovation ecosystem for seeking funding, testing services and developing new innovations in Europe.
The Location Innovation Hub, supported by the European Commission, is one of the four digital innovation hubs in Finland (EDIH) and is part of the European network of innovation hubs.
ADL role in LIH
ADL acts as a Regional Office for the LIH and is responsible for LIH Regional Activities that include i.e. setting up LIH Open House initiative, events and demonstrations such as Location Mondays or Geomobs and other networking / value-added services. In addition to these ADL provides training and co-creation related to unmanned aviation and location innovation. The offering of the whole LIH EDIH partnership is available through us. Physical UAS test areas and the ADL drone fleet are some of the key resources of LIH “Test Before Invest” offering for businesses and public bodies.
Contact us
Any questions about LIH? New ideas or problems to solve? Contact the Location Innovation Hub Regional Office staff:
Regional activities: Jussi Kangasoja, tel+358 44 5511 051, jussi.kangasoja@oamk.fi
Data sets, training: Erkki Nuottila, tel +358 40 141 5228, erkki.nuottila@oamk.fi
General questions: Kimmo Paajanen, tel. +358 40 661 2871, kimmo.paajanen@oamk.fi
Or Location Innovation Hub Office: locationinnovationhub@nls.fi. (Personal emails are of the format firstname.surname@maanmittauslaitos.fi)
Project administration: Antti Jakobsson, tel +358 50 599 4123
Funding and reporting: Inkeri Lantta, tel. +358 40 801 7420
Technical support: Faris Alsuhail, tel. +358 50 471 1035
Networks and co-operation: Joonas Jokela, tel. +358 50 329 3069
Communication: Anniina Lundvall, tel. +358 50 342 7251 and Maria Vilppola tel. +358 50 405 7738